Healthy ageing: lessons from the Blue Zones


The Blue Zones are five regions worldwide known for their exceptionally high number of healthy centenarians: Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Ikaria (Greece), Nicoya (Costa Rica) and Loma Linda (California).  

What makes the Blue Zones unique 

Research has shown that a number of common lifestyle factors contribute to their long, healthy lives, including a predominantly plant-based diet, regular exercise, and strong family and community ties and a meaningful life purpose. 

Inspiration for a healthier life 

What we can learn from the Blue Zones is that a balanced diet high in vegetables, beans and whole grains, combined with daily exercise, stress management and strong social bonds, is essential for a healthy life. In these regions, few processed foods, fish and meat are eaten. 

You can find more information about the Blue Zones and research results on the official Blue Zones website 

Healthy Aging_ Lessons from the Blue Zones (5)

Healthy Aging_ Lessons from the Blue Zones (4)

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